Plan of Salvation Do you know Christ as your personal Savior? Have you ever received the Lord Jesus Christ into your life?
Realize That God Loves You
The Bible Says That All Men Are Sinners God made man in His own image. He gave man the ability to choose right from wrong. We choose to sin. Our sins keep us from God.
God’s Word Also Says That Sin Must Be Paid For Wages means payment. The payment of our sin is death and hell, separation from God forever. If we continue in our sin, we shall die without Christ and be without God forever.
The Good News Is That Christ Paid For Our Sins
We Must Personally Pray And Receive Christ By Faith
Pray And Receive Christ As Your Savior The Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13
New Life |
Please call us and let us know if you have made a decision to follow Christ. We want to help you grow in your faith. The church office number is 316-835-2840.